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In the News > Book Announcements menu, you will find full-page announcements for these books which have been released recently, all work that comes from entrants in last year’s Poetry Contest.

Dialogues With Light
 by Lew Forester of Arvada, Colorado

Midnight Exhibition at the Wheatgrass Saloon by Elizabeth Chapman of Palo Alto, California

Duets: Love Songs & Prayers by Stephanie Baird from Western Massachusetts

Passages by Linda M. Fisher from Swarthmore, Pennsylvania

Twenty Small Worlds by Mark Louis Lehman of Cincinnati, Ohio

Orchard Street is currently working on the following chapbooks which will be released in the coming weeks: Almost Happy by Bob Wickless of North Carolina; In The Diamond Light of Morning by Larsen Bowker of Virginia; Sea Changes by Duane Niatum of Washington State; and Joy in the Tomb of Hunting and Fishing by Craig McVay of Ohio.

In early autumn of this year, the following new titles will be published by Orchard Street.

 “The Body is a Dancing Star” a chapbook from Glen Mazis of Marietta, PA.

“Gwen and the Big Nothing” a poetry chapbook from Mary Ann Honaker of Beckley, W.VA

“Step Close In” a poetry chapbook from Gary Boelhower of Duluth, MN

“Sunlight in the Stream” a poetry chapbook from John P. Kristofco of Highland Hts., OH

“The Alex Chronicles” a collection of short stories from John P. Kristofco